It’s so good to know you have a friend when you’re going through a trial. But it’s essential when you know God is in there fighting with you. Here’s a scripture that became more real to me recently as I was in a physical trial.
“The Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness.” Romans 8:26 TPT
The Spirit of God longs to empower us to stand when the going gets tough. He knows exactly how to get us out of the trial. And He can empower us while we’re going through it to not only stand but to come through victoriously. With every trial, there’s the residual effect on our mind and emotion that He especially can empower so we don’t grow weary or give up when the trial lasts longer than we think it should.
“Help me Holy Spirit” may be the prayer I pray daily. Rick Renner has a commentary on Romans 8:26 that I include here.
“The Spirit Himself falls into our difficulty with us, initiating a supernatural rescue operation to get us out of the mess we’ve fallen into”
Rick Renner “Gems from the Greek” March
Some trials are due to our messes aren’t they? But even when they are, it doesn’t mean the Holy Spirit will shake His head and say “you’re getting what you deserve”. No! He’s waiting for you to invite him in to rescue you. Jesus called the Holy Spirit our friend. So if you’re going through a trial, or just facing everyday life- don’t forget the Spirit of God is waiting to help you!