When I have passion, I have inward strength. As I pray in the spirit I stir up that passion. I think of passion as seeing life with God’s glasses. Passion enables you to keep…
Strength from God has no limits. Today, let’s look at God’s supernatural strength which helps us live on a higher plane. Habakkuk 3:19 The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my…
Many times we pray but fail to listen and ask God questions. We often are more disrespectful in how we talk to God than we are with other people. For a meaningful discussion, there…
Candy is good when I am hungry for sweets. We describe a child’s obedient behavior as “good”. Gold is good because it has intrinsic worth. Today let’s look at what we mean when we…
Righteous is a word that has lots of meanings today. But let’s look at 4 truths about righteousness that affect my life today. 1. I am made righteous by Jesus’ works not mine I’m…
Oh the question of the ages “what is truth?” There are lots of ideas from man, but let’s look at what God says about truth today. 1. Jesus is the truth and only way…
If something is everlasting it is amazing. Nothing I purchase is everlasting. No human relationship is everlasting. Even marriage is for this life only. Then what about mercy? That’s what we’re going to dig…
God doesn’t merely follow you through life. He pursues you to bless you! He is a benevolent God who yearns to help you and be actively involved in your life. Contrary to some opinion,…
You may be going through a dark place, but Jesus is there with you! He remains close even when it’s hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. You are never alone!…
Today let’s look at how Jesus comforts us with both His rod and staff. David wrote Psalm 23 from his real experience with God. David, a shepherd himself, understood how a shepherd tends his…