Joy is everywhere in the Bible. Joy is everywhere in the church. We have good news of great joy to all people! Rejoice Defined The word “rejoice” means to jump for joy, rejoice, triumph…
When you meet somebody, your faith and expectation are contagious. They can be picked up by your face and your words. They can be “caught” and change the atmosphere around you. Believers have peace…
When God made the earth, He had a plan. When He created you, He had a plan for your life. To discover your plan, simply take some time to write down the things about…
Peace is a gift from God. Most gifts must be maintained. Your new car needs gas and an oil change occasionally. So, too, peace is a gift but has to be maintained. Keep Proper…
We will always have room in our day for whatever we make priority. When packing your suitcase for a trip, you begin with the essentials. Some things will be left out. In our spiritual…
Umpires make decisions based on their perspective. Is the runner safe or out? Did the point count or not? From one perspective things look one way. But the umpire usually has a vantage point…
Man is composed of three parts. He is an eternal spirit. He has a soul which is his mind and will and emotions. He lives in a physical body. God cared for all parts…
Peace on earth is the will of everybody, right? Even beauty pageants share the goal for world peace. I received a Christmas card this week with the words “Peace and Love”. So what exactly…
I’m sure you have lost car keys and can’t find them. Or perhaps an address or recipe? It’s somewhere, but you can’t locate it because it’s not in its normal place. Today we’re going…
Merry Christmas indicates joy. Jesus is a Savior of joy. Today let’s look at what the joy of the Lord will do in your life. 1. Joy Brings The Holy Spirit On The Scene…