If something is everlasting it is amazing. Nothing I purchase is everlasting. No human relationship is everlasting. Even marriage is for this life only. Then what about mercy? That’s what we’re going to dig…
“We’re in this fight together until we win the prize- for you know I’m not giving up” Philippians 1:30 The Passion Translation What does it mean to be “in this fight together”? Sometimes a…
There are containers for everything from shoes to candy. But words are containers of truth or lies. Lies come in all shapes and sizes. Frequently we don’t recognize the lies. Lack of self-esteem is…
Teams take time to develop. And hardly any time at all for relationships to explode. The more immature a team, the more drama. The Scripture has 3 simple ways to improve team relationships. Ephesians…
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us pray. He doesn’t do our praying for us, however. Jesus instructed us to pray to the Father in Jesus’name. That is how we pray. John 16:23…
Time is like a closet. It will be filled with something. Our time is a gift we all receive the same amount of (24 hours a day). But we choose how to use it.…
People pray but the act of prayer isn’t always effective. Effective prayer gets results. The amplified version of James 5:16 is my favorite. “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous…
We’ve all watched a two year old struggle to “do it myself” when we could easily help them. But as adults we often act that way as well. From God’s perspective, doesn’t He look…
Oh how many things we would not pray for if we knew God’s Word and believed it! First there are ridiculous things people pray about (or just go ahead and act without praying). I…
Any mother knows the sound of her baby’s cry. Parents know their children’s voices. And Jesus knows your voice. But here’s the question for us today: “Do I know the voice of God?” It’s…