I’m sure I’m not the only one who has mindlessly sung a song. Later I realized my mind was on an audio problem or a transition musically. Preparing ahead of time by getting a song in my heart has helped me immensely.
How do we seek greater understanding of the lyrics of the songs we sing?
- Use the song list that week to start a personal Bible study.
- Look up any words you don’t understand and find Scriptures to back them.
- Get the song in your heart as if you would preach it as a sermon (because you are preaching by singing it)
- As you sing the words- think about what you are singing.
- Before the service pick a song or two. Share with the team what the song lyrics mean to you.
- Seek to have God reveal something fresh in the words of the song each time you sing.
- Ask your team what a particular phrase means to them. This will engage them to seek for themselves and provide an opportunity to grow spiritually. This is how Jesus discipled- by asking questions.
Seeking is not just for times of need or answers you require. Seeking is the heart of the believer that we strive to live every day. Jesus said if we would seek we would find. Let’s believe it!
Prayer: Father I pray for this reader today that they be refreshed in their ministry. I pray that the songs become sermons that they sing with passion. I pray that their teams grow spiritually as they discuss the meaning of each song. I pray that the churches will gain a greater passion for You as the teams lead.