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    Personal Devotions Prayer

    One Way to experience God’s Love More Deeply

    November 7, 2022

    I remember when my husband and I were dating. I hadn’t seen him  all week. I  anticipated the date and knock at my front door. When I saw his face my smile erupted. I longed to be with him to talk and for us to eat together.

    Now picture your heart as the door standing between you and God. He is knocking daily at your door to come in and spend time with you.  He doesn’t force His way, but waits for you to answer His knock. It’s not always audible. Generally He speaks in a still small voice. But He’s always there waiting for us.

    Rev 3:20 (WNT)  I am now standing at the door and am knocking. If any one listens to My voice and opens the door, I will go in to be with him and will feast with him, and he shall feast with Me.

    This scripture is frequently used to apply to a non-believer opening his heart to receive Jesus for the first time. But Jesus isn’t satisfied with simply getting you in the family. He wants daily communion with you. He is knocking at our hearts’ doors every day. Isn’t it amazing that too often we get too busy to answer the door to hear what Jesus has to say? The wisdom we pray for is in the communion time. Not only does He have answers.  He has His presence to wash over us as we sit and feast on the Word. But we have to rest and sit down and enjoy the food He has set before us.

    When you know an important package is coming by delivery, you make sure you are present to answer the door. God’s got important things to bring you every day. Be ready to open the door.


    • Are we too busy to answer?
    • Are you expecting his visit today?
    • Is my agenda more important than his?
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