We think of colonies in America as the early settlements from Europe. They were started by pioneers who braved extreme circumstances to settle for freedom and a better life. The apostle Paul called Christians a colony of heaven on earth.
“But we are a colony of heaven on earth as we cling tightly to our Life-Giver, the Lord Jesus Christ” Philippians 3:20 The Passion Translation
Colony of heaven on earth
Someone has said “this earth is not my home. I’m just passing through”. When you receive Jesus as your savior you get a new heavenly home. But when you have never lived anywhere but on earth, it’s easy to forget that you have never “been home”. Your eternal home is a real place called heaven. We are living here on earth to represent the Father’s business in bringing people who have been taken captive by the lure and lies of satan to their heavenly Father and their eternal inheritance. We are on a reconnaissance mission! God wants every person set free from domination and the only way they are set free is by Jesus the Savior. He is the only doorway to heaven and the only mediator to God.
We cling tightly to our Life-Giver, the Lord Jesus Christ
While living on the earth, we are not alone. Jesus has been to earth and understands the challenges we face. Therefore, we have a friend who we can continually call upon to help. We cling tightly to our Life-Giver. What a precious thought! He gives me life and the ability to share this life with others. From my relationship with Him daily comes the wisdom and the strength and the ability to bring this earth colony to live with God in heaven.