Psa 22:3-4 God, you are the Holy One. You sit as King upon the praises of Israel. Our ancestors trusted you. Yes, they trusted you, and you saved them.
I am privileged to have been raised in church and learned the hymns of the past. I love studying the stories behind these saints who have gone before me. They have stood the test and many left us their journals through the hymns. I also love the songs written today. They also tell a story and remind us of God’s truth in song.
Whether we sing of the hymns of the 1700s or the songs from 2000, we are passing on the story. I think of a relay race with the baton toss. That is what we are doing when we continue to pass on the songs and stories of our ancestors. As believers we are in the family of God. We have fathers of the faith who left us songs of their trust in God and how He saved (delivered, healed, helped) them.
Discussion Points:
- What is one of your favorite songs of old and why?
- What song helps remind you to trust in God?
- What story are we leaving this generation with the songs we sing?