Merry Christmas indicates joy. Jesus is a Savior of joy. Today let’s look at what the joy of the Lord will do in your life. 1. Joy Brings The Holy Spirit On The Scene…
In the last month I have heard 2 worship leaders declare they had nothing to say except to sing their songs. Here’s a couple of ideas to help you get something to say. 1.Start…
Sometimes we think we will rejoice as the result of great news- I’m engaged! I got a pay raise! I got a new house! These are definitely times to rejoice. But they are not…
When something is bursting, there’s no room for anything else. A balloon bursting with air pops because there’s no space left. A little kid is bursting inside to tell gramma the exciting news he…
“Why don’t you bring Me the sacrifices I desire? Bring me your true and sincere thanks and show your gratitude by keeping your promises to me, the Most High. Honor me by trusting in…
What do you picture when you hear the word “rest”? Remember the vacation sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean? Sounds great doesn’t it? But how do you rest in between the…
What gives you the greatest pleasure? When I was young I thought it would be ministry or a new house or car. As I age I discover that relationships are the element that brings…
Worshiping idols which have no power to deliver or help is worthless. However, when we worship a God who offers us mercy when we fail and help when we are weak it is valuable.…
I still remember when my husband bent down and asked me to marry him and extended me a box with an engagement ring. It was an expensive expression of how much he loved me.…
Sickness is a result of satanic oppression. The presence of God brings healing. Prayers and praises offered in our services are powerful and bring healing to people. Just as God was with Jesus in…