God doesn’t merely follow you through life. He pursues you to bless you! He is a benevolent God who yearns to help you and be actively involved in your life. Contrary to some opinion, God is not out to take from you or make your life miserable. Jesus came to show us what God was really like. The things that happen in life to steal from you or kill people or destroy you always come from the devil and people that he controls.
The version we often quote of Psalm 23:6 reads “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” Let’s look at the ways God is pursuing you.
What is Pursuing?
There’s a big difference between someone following you and someone pursuing you. Pursuit implies intent. Following can just be passively taking a walk on your way you meet someone. The Hebrew word for follow is better translated run after, chase or hunt. I like to think of the lawyer who is looking for someone to distribute the wealth left you in a will. The pursuit is to bless and not to steal or harm. Or how about the parent who is hunting to find his lost child? Behind the pursuit is great love and passionate intent to bless.
God’s goodness is pursuing you
The Hebrew word for goodness is “tob”. It is translated as bounty, favor, grace, joy, prosperity and wealth. Wahoo! God is pursuing you to give you favor with people. He is pursuing you to bring joy to relationships. He is pursuing you to bring you financial wealth. He is pursuing you to prosper you in your body, your mind, your relationships and your wealth. God’s way of bringing you wealth doesn’t come at the cost of another area of life. Man’s prosperity sometimes includes divorce and heartache as the workaholic neglects other areas of life. Wealth is really having enough to meet all your needs and be able to give to others.
God’s mercy is pursuing you
The Hebrew word for mercy is “chesed”. It is defined as loving kindness and good deeds and reproach. That seems odd doesn’t it? Mercy is when you do wrong and then ask for forgiveness. Then God is able to take your mess and turn it around to bless. Our mistakes are never irreversible unless we fail to turn to God for His help. When we do, He will turn things around by healing the shame. Then He forgives and forgets your mistake. Finally, He can go to work on your behalf to fix the problem.
Dwelling in His household
Again when we look at the word “dwell” it means to habitate or remain or settle or marry. This is not an occasional visit. This implies family. This implies you have a place and you belong. When married, you share a name. Dwelling in God’s household means you belong. You have an inheritance. You share the name of Jesus.