Overcoming victory belongs to the Christian believer. Overcome is defined as “Subdue, conquer, prevail and get victory”. In order to overcome there must be opposition. The cause of our troubles can be our own mistakes. But our enemy, the devil is the source of many of our troubles. God sent Jesus to give us victory. Here’s 3 keys to overcome in life.
1.Realize Jesus’ blood paid for your victory in life
The blood of Jesus is not ordinary blood. His spilled blood redeemed or paid for the human race. His blood is the evidence of victory over every evil we face. Nothing we do can pay the price.
2.Declare your victory and not your problem
We must believe it and verbally use His victory to overcome. What we say about our situation is like the light switch that makes power available. It’s not enough that Jesus died. What we believe and declare is what makes it apply to our lives. This is how we become a believer. It is also how we appropriate all Jesus paid for us.
3.Daily lay down our lives
When fear of death is gone, we are truly free. In laying down our lives, we are trusting Him with everything. We realize this earthly life will pass but we have an eternal heavenly home waiting us.
Confession: Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for me and shedding Your blood. I believe in my heart and say with words that You are my Savior and my Lord. Today, I realize You want me to overcome in every area of life. So I believe the blood of Jesus is my witness that I have been given victory. I place my situation _______ before You today. Jesus’ victory is mine. I declare I overcome by the blood of the Lamb Jesus. I yield my life today that you would use me to bring about Your purpose this day.
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