
Devotion: Who do you choose as your Father? 

January 6, 2022

What does “father” mean to you? Father means someone who has produced children for sure. But a father also indicates a relationship with those he calls children. God is the Creator of all life but He isn’t the spiritual father of everyone. We are the ones who get to choose our spiritual father. You don’t choose your biological physical father, but you do get to choose which spiritual father you want.

Choosing God as your father comes only one way. It comes by choosing Jesus as Savior. That choice gives God permission to make you his child. Your spirit is born again when you accept Jesus as Savior. The spirit man has a choice. We are born into the world that is separated from God.

“But those who embraced him and took hold of his name were given authority to become the children of God!” John 1:12 The Passion Translation

When we cry “Jesus” we take hold of that name as the way to be right with God. With the name of Jesus comes the authority to become children of God. Just as surely as we can choose who will be your marriage partner, we can choose who will be our father.

Why I choose God as my father is that He is merciful, kind, loving, patient and forgiving. The father of this world (the devil) is manipulative, judgmental, stealing, killing and destructive to my life. Unless I purposely choose Jesus, then by default I get the devil for my father. Not to choose Jesus is to allow the devil to lord it over my life.

So if you haven’t already chosen God as father, I encourage you to do so today!

Some more thoughts:

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