What if you could have a constant supply of God’s love available to you at all times? The good news is that you do! God’s love is toward you. God’s love is in you.…
There is not a single need that God will not meet. He is life itself and fills every empty place with His presence. What is a need? It’s an opportunity for God. A need…
Faith or belief or persuasion come only one way- by continually hearing. It works in every area of life. Faith that you can accomplish something comes from continually listening to your inner voice telling…
A healthy church is a nurturing church. We feed people’s spirits from the Word of God. God spoke through Zechariah about the job of a shepherd. This also speaks to me about the job…
Christian leaders can sometimes carry a self-righteous attitude. We never come to God on the basis of our perfection but always through the work that Jesus has accomplished. Even though we can come boldly…
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He gave them some pretty specific directions that are still relevant today. 1.Watch your motive in prayer Mathew 6:5 When you pray, don’t be like those…
The will is a powerful thing. There is God’s will. There is my will. There is the will of those who live with me. There is the will of those I work with. With…
What do you picture when you hear the word “rest”? Remember the vacation sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean? Sounds great doesn’t it? But how do you rest in between the…
Okay, let’s face it- we’re all imperfect people. But somehow we feel the imperfections of others are sometimes unforgivable. But we can overlook our imperfections because our heart is right? Divine love always is…
About what are you passionate? Hopefully you are working in a job where you have passion. Passion trumps ability. Piano students who have ability but no passion soon quit. I have students with passion…