Growth is evidence something is alive. Living things grow and reproduce. So let’s look at our spiritual lives today as compared to a year ago. Is there evidence that we are growing spiritually? Are…
In the last month I have heard 2 worship leaders declare they had nothing to say except to sing their songs. Here’s a couple of ideas to help you get something to say. 1.Start…
God loves you and wants you to live forever with Him in heaven. Some people think they will go to heaven based upon their good works outweighing their bad. Others think they won’t go…
Sometimes we think we will rejoice as the result of great news- I’m engaged! I got a pay raise! I got a new house! These are definitely times to rejoice. But they are not…
“Believe” is a popular signage today. At Christmas it’s used to encourage our child-like anticipation. Sometimes we are trying to say “be wishful” which isn’t bad. But Jesus originated the saying when He walked…
There will never be a more wonderful gift you will ever receive than Jesus. He is a personal gift from God. He was given to the world, but He was also given to you…
God is a God of hope. After all, He spoke to darkness and said “light be”. He never reports how bad something is. He never has failure in mind. He never thinks something is…
It’s so good to know you have a friend when you’re going through a trial. But it’s essential when you know God is in there fighting with you. Here’s a scripture that became more…
Names are powerful. Take google for example. It’s a household name and can access information on any subject. If your name is famous it can open doors to places others can’t go. If your…
Our spirits need food just as our bodies. Spirit food is God’s Word from the Bible. There is a fantastic promise when we keep God’s Word and its revelation in our heart. That benefit…