Too many times we are looking for a title or position. A calling from God is a position to serve– not be served or noticed. But we are all called to fellowship with God. That is an extremely high calling because can we enter into it only by invitation. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are accepted into God’s family. God first of all wants you as his son or daughter before He wants you to serve with him.
I was raised on an Iowa farm. We all helped from a very young age. My job usually was to make meals because my 2 brothers did the field work with Dad and Mom. But before we were part of the family farm business, we were first part of the family.
All fellowship with God and Jesus is based on God’s faithfulness. He won’t leave us, forsake us or turn His back on us. Based on that kind of love, we were drawn unto the “fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord”. It’s more than a relationship with Jesus, it’s fellowship.
“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” 1 Corinthians 1:9
Fellowship means daily talking, praising, and involving him in every aspect of life. Fellowship is like the fellows in your ship. They are with you all the time. You share every aspect of life with them. You become comfortable with them, you share things. That’s fellowship and it’s our highest calling.
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