I like watching as buildings are being built. Foundations poured with cement take so long to pour and even longer to set. Foundations of buildings are vital. The higher the building, the deeper the foundation must be. Let’s look at some areas of life that are built on foundations.
The Scripture says “For God has already placed Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation, and no other foundation can be laid.” 1 Corinthians 3:11 GNB
1. Jesus is the foundation of my relationship with God
Since Jesus is the way to God, obviously He must be the foundation. We can’t even know God without coming through Jesus. But even once we become a believer, we can only grow through knowing Jesus. Jesus is the Word, so He speaks to us through His Word. My relationship with God the Father is because of my invitation through Jesus the Son.
2. Jesus is the foundation of my marriage
The reason Jesus is the foundation of my marriage is because He is the source of love. I have discovered that no person can ever fulfill me or meet all my needs. My marriage is not to serve me, but the serve my spouse. When I am full of God’s love for me, I have love to give to another. Romantic feelings can come and go based on many factors. But divine love that is placed in my heart will splash out in my marriage relationship.
3. Jesus is the foundation of my ministry
Ministry is serving others and we are all called to serve. The reason Jesus is the foundation is that He gave us the perfect example of ministry through his life on earth. But because of Jesus, He also sent the Holy Spirit in me who equips me to minister or serve. He is the foundation of every ministry because it’s His vision- not mine.
The great thing is that Jesus is a foundation that won’t crack or break or sink or fail to hold up. He is the only real foundation for every relationship and endeavor also because He equips us with the ability to love.
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