There’s a lot of emphasis on individual rights today isn’t there? And freedom and rights are important in a country. But sometimes we can take individual rights too far. Didn’t Jesus have a right to a fair trial and sentence? Yet, He chose not to demand His rights. Sometimes we can choose not to insist on our rights for a greater good as well. A young mother gives up her rights to a night’s sleep to care for her child. When we yield our rights for someone else- that is love.
“Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it- pays no attention to a suffered wrong.” 1 Corinthians 13:5 Amplified
Since God’s love is in the believer, it’s good to acknowledge it. One way is to read it but better yet to state aloud what belongs to you because of Jesus living in you. The more we say it, we will begin to see ourselves the way God does. We don’t wait until we feel it to say it either. What we say we begin to believe and what we believe we say! Here’s some statements from the scripture above to personally say about ourselves.
- God’s love is in me
- I do not insist on my own way today
- I am not touchy when somebody rubs me wrong
- I am not fretful about all the details I face today
- I am not resentful of anyone else
- I don’t keep an account when someone wrongs me. I let it go
Let’s live in the love of God that keeps us happy and be a blessing to others. Today is a gift never to be reclaimed. Time is precious and so let’s choose to live it in peace. You are a blessing to everyone you meet today!