
You have a lavish supply

June 29, 2022

We call a millionaire’s home lavish because no expense was spared in decorating. But really, God alone is lavish. He made a lavish creation of ocean water and everything in creation. He is lavish in His love and forgiveness. God’s lavish supply of the Spirit is available to us because Jesus made it so. He is never stingy and always willing to provide more than enough.

“And I will continue to rejoice because I know that the lavish supply of the Spirit of Jesus, the Anointed One, and your intercession for me will bring about my deliverance” Philippians 1:19 The Passion Translation

I remember when my dear mother was fighting cancer. This verse became real to me as I prayed for her. Each day I asked God to minister a lavish supply of whatever she needed that day. God’s lavish supply brings hope. It brings healing. It brings encouragement. It brings revelation. Not only do we pray for people to receive their healing, but also there are so many soul issues with which people are dealing when they are fighting a serious illness. Fear and discouragement are foes. And then the physical pain is a foe.

God’s supply and our prayers

In the scripture above Paul indicates it was both God’s lavish supply and the prayers of the saints that brought his deliverance. When people are suffering they need help. Our prayers help people not give up. Our prayers cause deliverance. Many times our prayers assist the one under attack so they can receive their healing. Other times our prayers keep our friend knowing they are loved and never forgotten or forsaken. James 5:16 states that “the prayers of the righteous make tremendous power available dynamic in its working.” Never forget your prayers really do help. I love praying in the spirit because that perfect prayer from God always knows what the other person needs.

Deliverance comes in different packages

Most of the time our prayers bring that person healing. Occasionally deliverance is that the loved one peacefully goes to their heavenly home. They are delivered from the disease and released to no longer have to fight pain. Paul also stated that to be absent from the body and go to heaven is far greater reward. And it’s not that God didn’t want them healed either. Sometimes when people fight for so long they simply don’t want to fight any more. So Jesus delivers them from their fight and pain. Never stop praying just because you don’t see the result you wish. Just realize that your prayers really do matter!

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