Evangelism God's Names

Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life

March 3, 2022

This astounding Scripture is an example of how Jesus says it like it is. Let’s examine Jesus as the way, truth and life.

Jesus is the Way

Jesus said an amazing thing. He is not a way or one of the ways. He is THE WAY to the Father. The word way means a road or a journey. In this journey of life, Jesus is our guide by His example. He shows us what God is like. He shows us how to treat people. He shows us how to live abundant lives. But more than that, accepting Jesus as Savior is the only way to come into God’s family.

Jesus is the truth

Because Jesus came from the Father and is God Himself, He knows what is true. But He also cannot lie so His Word is always true and dependable. What He says He will do. What He says is always true. His Word is how we measure truth. It is our standard and plumb line. Builders use plumb lines to determine what is level. They don’t rely on their eyes or senses to determine this, but rather the plumb line.

Jesus is the life

Jesus is more than an enjoyable experience. We might say “Vacation in Hawaii, this is the life”. But Jesus is our very life. He created us and breathed the gift of life into us. He is why we breathe and exist. Our relationship with God through Jesus is what makes life meaningful. Once we know our Maker and Savior, our life has meaning and purpose. We are here for His purpose. He created for His fellowship but also to build His kingdom while on this earth. Until we receive the life of God we really don’t enjoy life fully.

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