As long as there are people, there will be opportunities to be hurt and offended. God has given us great instruction on how to survive and thrive in spite of these wounds. Whenever we are living in a world that is hurting, we will sometimes get in the way of words and accusations that are hurled our way personally or at us as a people group. The accusation may be toward your race or your gender. The accusation can be against your political persuasion or your religion. Today let’s look at Hebrews 12:1 and the timeless instruction it provides.
“As for us, we have all of these great witnesses who encircle us like clouds. So we must let go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into” Hebrews 12:1 The Passion Translation
In the study notes of this passage, the translator indicates that the wounds that pierce us are “arrow tips in us.” The implication is carrying an arrow tip inside, a wound that weighs us down and keeps us from running our race with freedom. What a visually and emotionally gripping image this portrays! How accurately does it describe the pain of offensive words or actions?
- Remember you are not the first person to be wounded.
Like the martyrs and saints who have gone before us, we are simply in a world that is not yet ruled by justice and God’s righteous rule. Therefore we should not be surprised that attacks will come to us. Whenever you feel you are the “only one”, stop to remember Jesus and countless martyrs who even died for what they believed. You are a part of a chosen generation that is running counter to culture at times.
- Let go of the offense
If we become unimpressed by satanic opposition and refuse to give it undue attention, we will find the pain begin to heal. Holding onto the thought of the offense is like holding an arrow tip inside you that continues to pierce you. The only solution is surgery! Tear it out of you and get rid of it and let it go. Only then can you be healed! I believe the choice to forgive and forget is our part. God is the Healer who will heal the wound until with time you won’t even feel the pain any more. Remember, every time our thoughts rehearse the curse, we remain in our pain.
- Choose to Forgive
We sin when we don’t forgive. Our reasoning will tell us we have reason to hold a grudge. But remember, holding the offense will cause us to remain in pain. Unforgiveness is sin. The offense may be unjust or seemingly unforgiveable. Forgiving doesn’t mean you agree with what was done. It simply means you refuse to hold onto the pain any longer and want to live in peace. Forgive for your sake. When someone says they can’t forgive, they mean “I don’t want to or feel like” forgiving. Forgiveness is a decision not an emotion. The emotion will follow the decision- not the other way around. When I refuse to forgive, I am refusing God’s forgiveness to me as well. That’s too high a price to pay for “feeling the need for revenge”.
Forgiving is a hard thing to do. There’s no question that some offenses are so awful that your emotions and mind just can’t get around it. So forgive from your heart and allow God’s love heal you. Train yourself to forgive immediately before the wound has time to fester. Tell yourself “just let it go” and then set your mind on something else. Remember that your race is vital to be run. Don’t allow anything to stop you!
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