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    Leadership Praise and Worship

    How are You Growing Your Gift?

    November 17, 2022

    The purpose of the talent and gift God has given you is for others. Our gifts vary but the purpose is the same. Our talent is for God’s use. Our talent is to help the Church. Our gift is to be a light to the world. When you know your life has purpose, you live to give. Whether your gift is musical or service, we need each other’s gifts.

    “That is why I want you to remember the gift God gave you. God gave you that gift when I laid my hands on you. Now I want you to use that gift and let it grow more and more, like a small flame grows into a fire.: 2 Timothy 1:6 ERV

    Paul is reminding us in the Scripture that the gift is God’s gift to us. We can develop that gift to greater usefulness. It’s not up to God to develop our gift. It’s our responsibility. I want to challenge you today with a question . “How are your growing your gift?” God gave you the gift. God will anoint you. But we have to put some time and effort to develop that gift. It’s not enough to study during our higher education years. We must continue through life.

    • The primary way we grow our gift is to use it.
    • But we also develop our gift by being mentored by others
    • We continue to learn and grow throughout life by reading and studying.
    • Developing spiritually by reading the Word and prayer will develop our gift
    • Researching from other’s experiences helps us grow.
    • We also grow our gift by asking for others to evaluate and give us tips.

    Watch what others do. But don’t try to copy another person. You are an original. Your gift is unique. Use your individual style and personality to season your gift. I love the variety in the body of Christ. Even among worship leaders, there is such diversity. Out of our unique walk with God comes our unique leadership.

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