Throughout our day we constantly run into people. Some bring us joy and others not so much. Are people really worth the trouble? Today let’s look at 3 reasons we value people.
1.People are important to God
God created the created world we see as well as animals. But His prize creation was man. God prized man so much that He wasn’t willing to have man live apart from Him. John 3 :16 states For God loved the world (people) so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” God loved people so much He was willing to sacrifice His Son Jesus so that people could know Him.
2. People are not the problem
Although people should take responsibility for their actions, they frequently don’t. Behind every problem person you face is a person with a problem to face. In other words, it’s not people themselves- but the issues that are driving them into being troublesome. Remembering the source of all that steals and kills and destroys is satan will help us understand why people do such horrible things to each other. Jesus said “the thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” John 10:10. Behind a person who is stealing your peace or joy or doing you wrong is the enemy satan who uses whomever he can to do his evil work.
3. People are how God blesses me
Any time you are looking at the few people that cause you problems, stop and take a new perspective. Most people don’t try to hurt or harm you. Most people simply aren’t thinking about you at all! But, how many times has God used a person to bless you? We may forget that people also bless us more than they hurt us. Through people we are encouraged and receive prayers or sermons that motivate us. Through your family you receive love and acceptance (most of the time!). God uses people to bless people. Notice in Acts 5:12 “And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people.” People preach the Gospel and people pray for the sick.
Let’s be sure we are being the kinds of people who look for opportunities to bless people and give to them rather than take from anyone.