There are so many times when discouragement comes to make you want to quit. We may not physically quit or leave, but sometimes we quit on the inside. We quit giving our all because maybe we were hurt or someone left us. Maybe we feel like God is far away. Those desert times when it feels dry are the times to test us. Will we give our all- even if others aren’t?
Will we give our all even when we know someone else is going to take over for us soon? Transition times are always challenging because our heart may be in 2 places. But we can learn to give our all wherever we are. That’s not being double minded. Faithfulness always is rewarded. I have been through several ministry transition times. The process stretched me. I was challenged to give all to the place I was serving as well as pray extra for direction for the next step. Frequently God will indicate to us in our spirit that change is coming. But that direction is to help us make our transitions smoothly. When we know we are going to leave a ministry position, have we raised up leaders to take our place so that in our absence the ministry can go on? Sometimes we forget that the great commission is to make disciples who will replace us. One of our goals at our church is to work ourselves out of a job. Our ministry positions are to bring others higher and sometimes to replace us.
“But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved.” Matthew 24:13
This scripture indicates to us that faithfulness is sometimes hard on our flesh, but will always be rewarded. When we live faithfully for Jesus we will reap rewards. Faithfulness to the church and ministry will also reap rewards. Some rewards are in this life and others will be in the next.
- Am I being faithful to the end?
- If in a transition time- am I leaving the place with mentors to replace me?
- Am I being faithful with all my heart where I am?