Would we dare to ask for money from a person with plenty? Probably not unless we were good friends or related. Here’s the good news. God has plenty. And you are both good friends and related. You are God’s child and belong to Him. You have a relationship with Him that allows you access. Not only that, Jesus boldly gave us a blank check when He stated:
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
So why don’t we ask?
- Are we too busy to stop and give it to God in prayer? (let’s slow down)
- Do we not want to bother God with our little stuff when He’s busy? (He is God and always has time to listen and answer every prayer. God is more than a busy parent or boss. He is more than human and His divinity gives Him the ability
- Do we think it too big for Him? (nothing is too difficult for God)
- Do we think we haven’t been good enough to ask? (nobody merits anything from God. But in humbleness we come through the blood of Jesus and ask His forgiveness and then boldly come because we believe He has forgiven.
- Do we just doubt that He will answer? Okay this answer requires us to actually take time to find what His Word says belongs to us in prayer. Once we read and find then faith to receive comes. Knowing God’s will is most of the battle.
- Are we too prideful to ask for help when we made the mess? Like any good parent, God may be sad you made the wrong decision. But He is glad to help you out of it because He loves you!
- what do I seek from God today? Do I need direction or have personal needs I desire
- Or is it a higher motivation like wanting God to know how much you love Him?
- Is what you seek to be a blessing to help others?
- Do you desire to know God more today?