What is prayer? I think it is both listening to and talking to God. The key to an effective prayer life is spending time getting to know God through reading His Word and conversing with Him. Conversing is more than just listing off our grocery list of items we need. It is learning how to approach God, the Creator of the universe from the Bible. The greater our knowledge of Him becomes, the more effective our prayers will become. Prayer to know 3 things
In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he states: “I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day” 2 TIMOTHY 1:12
I Know Him that I believe in
Just like getting to know any person, you make it your goal to learn about them. You ask them questions. You read their writings. You listen to their conversations. What do they like? What don’t they like? Know and believe God’s love
I’m convinced He is able to guard
Because God is trustworthy, He will keep your secrets. He is take care of the things I give Him. He is capable to answer prayer. He is wanting to help. He is powerful in both desire and ability to act on our behalf. God names the stars
What I have committed to Him
But another key is to commit things to Him. To commit is to entrust and not take back. Easy to say- harder to do. The word “committed” also indicates the meaning of making a deposit. When I deposit money in my bank account, I am entrusting it there. What if after we pray, we continue to say “I believe He will take care of what I gave Him and He is working on it”. That is far better than worry, isn’t it? How to live carefree
To do: Today when you read the Bible, make it your goal to know God through what you read. What did He say, what did He do? How did He respond? Then talk to God just like you would anyone else. Be honest.
Prayer: Dear God, I want to really get to know You better. When I read Your Word, please show me more about Yourself. I commit the areas to You that I am worrying about and cast the care on You.