If something is everlasting it is amazing. Nothing I purchase is everlasting. No human relationship is everlasting. Even marriage is for this life only. Then what about mercy? That’s what we’re going to dig into today.
Psalm 100:5 states “ his (the Lord’s) mercy is everlasting;”
What is Everlasting ?
- God’s kingdom is everlasting but man’s kingdoms rise and fall.
- God’s love is everlasting but man’s love can be grieved or withdrawn
- The Church is the only organization of people that is everlasting. Most organizations on earth eventually die. They exist with a strong leader and when that leadership ceases to pass on it dies. Even individual churches may close when they don’t pass on the torch to another generation.
- The Bible defines “everlasting” as throughout time, through all ages and generations.
- Everlasting is a defining word for things of God alone since He is timeless!
- The faith you pass on will outlast you in the generations to come. Let’s leave a legacy!
What is God’s mercy?
The Hebrew word for mercy is defined in the following ways:
- Amazing love that is not deserved
- Tender compassion when we fail
- Reproach when we need correction
- Sometimes mercy and healing are used interchangeably in the New Testament.
I love the Passion translation of Psalm 100:5b “(the Lord) He’s so loving that it will amaze you- so kind that it will astound you! And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all.”
Wow! What a God of everlasting mercy to me! Personalize that truth and you will be singing all day long!
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