
6 ways to be refreshed

February 27, 2022

After long periods of ministry or stress, how do you replenish or refresh your soul and spirit? In the world people go drinking to relieve the pressure. God’s got a better alternative to revive us from the spirit and soul.

Paul instructed the Ephesians:

“And don’t get drunk with wine, instead Be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And your hearts will overflow with a joyful song to the Lord Jehovah. Keep speaking to each other with words of Scripture, singing the Psalms with praises and spontaneous songs given by the Spirit!” Ephesians 5:18 TPT

Here’s 6 things that help me reboot after periods of stress or ministry.

  1. Read and speak Scriptures that minister God’s peace to you
  2. Praise and worship and listen to Gospel music
  3. Slowly read and sing hymns from a hymnal. A hymn book is a wonderful resource of poetic songs that can rejuvenate you.
  4. Read prophecies that have been given to you that inspire you to go on
  5. Rest in His presence by turning off all the other noise and just listen to Him
  6. Get plenty of sleep

Remember, ministry is work and you deplete spiritual energy as you give out. Plan times to rest and replenish your supply. Just like a bank account, when you take out a lot, it must be replenished. We minister with God’s anointing but after times of ministry to others, we ourselves need some TLC.

Some other reading:

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