Devotions Personal Devotions

Devotion about Preparation key to success

September 8, 2021

In today’s devotion we will discuss why it’s important to prepare to succeed.  Many times our problems really affect us because we are not prepared for them. We become surprised because attacks come. But when we realize problems are part of life then  the more we prepare for their advent, the less they will bother us. Our military trains soldiers for battle. They don’t imagine it might come. Instead they prepare for every situation ahead of time.

So how are we preparing ourselves for the spiritual battles, financial battles and physical battles in our lives? 

“A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” Proverbs 22:3 TLB

Spiritual preparation helps in every arena of attack

  • Do you maintain a close walk with God every day to ensure you are in a position to pray when you need help?
  • Do you read and meditate on  God’s Word in areas like healing and finances to ensure you respond in faith?
  • Don’t wait until the attack to draw close to God but maintain a close fellowship.

Preparing for financial battles

The first and best way to prepare for financial battles is to tithe to your local church. God promises to rebuke the devourer on our behalf when we tithe. Tithing is the best insurance policy you will ever have.

  • Do you make plans financially for those breakdowns of appliances by having an emergency fund?
  • Do you live within your means?

Remaining spiritually fit is similar to maintaining physical fitness. It takes daily diligence. It requires good eating. It requires exercise. Really both require self-discipline. Let’s be good soldiers who are ready for every attack.

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