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    Surviving emotional storms

    November 20, 2022

    Imagine the emotional storm the disciples were experiencing following the death of Jesus. The arrest in the Garden along with the unjust trial followed by the awful crucifixion couldn’t have been what they had imagined. Even though Jesus had warned them and told them what was coming, the detailed account with its accompanying emotional turmoil were a surprise I’m sure. Perhaps for Peter it was the biggest let-down how he could have denied his Lord when the pressure was on him.

    But following all this drama, the disciples weren’t planning the next outreach or event, but rather they were behind closed doors. “What now?” had to be in their minds. I’m not sure Jesus left them with detailed plans about the start of the church. It seemed like all was lost.

    John 20:19 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

    We have all been in times where our world turned upside down. A parent dies or a loved one receives a bad medical report. A job is lost. That sinking feeling that we’re not sure we’re going to make it comes into our gut. But when you don’t know what to do is the time to close the doors with some believers and pray and then experience Jesus’ presence in the midst of it all. He may only say “Peace be unto you”. But that’s what you need right then. Here’s 4 things I’m learning about going through emotional upheavals.

    1. Don’t isolate from the church and friends who can support you and give perspective
    2. Do take time to listen to Jesus through His Word and prayer and allow Him to minister His peace
    3. Don’t make big decisions in times of emotional turmoil.
    4. Give yourself time to heal from the storm’s effects
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