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    Church Leadership Personal Devotions

    What to Do when somebody leaves you

    January 25, 2022

    We’ve all faced financial needs in our budgets. We’ve all faced staffing needs when somebody leaves our team or moves away. Recently I needed a replacement worship leader. Even though I know better, I still found myself dreading the news. Who would take this person’s place? But then I stopped and remembered. This is God’s church.

    God will see to it

    I cast the care of it on the Lord and repented at my doubt that there would be someone to fill this role. Then I asked the Lord to send us a worship leader or show me who was already here that I could mentor into this position. Abraham came face to face with Jehovah Jireh when he offered his son on the altar. He told His son “God would provide”. The Hebrew means “God will see to it”. The condition is that we have to give it to God and allow Him to see to it.  Abraham said it and believed it and then God saw to it by providing a lamb to replace Isaac on the altar. Notice Abraham wasn’t crying and complaining. Abraham was remaining at rest about God replacing Isaac with a lamb. That was a pretty high stake situation.

    Cast the Care

    Do you have any situation you need to place on the altar and allow God to “see to it”? Before handling a situation in the natural, we need to first give it to God. Secondly we need to cast the care on Him and ask for what we need. Then we wait and see how God will provide while we praise and thank Him that it is coming!

    For more reading:

  • Church Evangelism

    Why plant new churches?

    When we started our church over 30 years ago, people asked why we would start another church?  Don’t we have enough churches? There’s something about a new church that will draw people who don’t…

    January 24, 2022