People pray but the act of prayer isn’t always effective. Effective prayer gets results. The amplified version of James 5:16 is my favorite. “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working)”
What is earnest prayer? It’s prayer from the heart and not merely the head. The prayer request that is felt in the heart moves you to pray. You sense it deeply and accept the responsibility to offer that request before God because it’s something about which you’re passionate.
What is a righteous man? We might think we don’t qualify as righteous. But Jesus made us righteous- right before God when we accept Him as our savior and are born again. Righteous means right with God and is a condition of relationship by which you have the right to call upon God in Jesus’ name.
What results when we pray this way?
This scripture indicates these prayers make tremendous power available for the situation we are praying. God’s power makes things work out right. God’s power is dynamic and changes things.
So have confidence that your prayers are heard and make power available to bring results. You have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 1:24). God wants to use you to pray His will upon this earth. So never give up!
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