We’ve all watched a two year old struggle to “do it myself” when we could easily help them. But as adults we often act that way as well. From God’s perspective, doesn’t He look over your shoulder and say “I just wish they would realize I’m here to help them?”
Why do we adults become so independent and think we should not need help any longer? Just yesterday, I asked for God’s help to accompany a choral song that was pretty difficult. I could have played it with some fear, but I wanted to enjoy the experience and do my best so I asked for God’s help. And He helped me! I’m not a novice accompanist either. But I needed some help.
Hebrews 13:5-6 For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”
Not only will God never leave you or forsake you, He wants to help you through life. He wants to walk through the dark places with you so you won’t be afraid.
As you go through your week remember this. The Lord is here to help you. He wants you to go through life fearlessly. So frequently say out loud to yourself “Lord, You are my helper today”. Whether your stress is people or things, God has your help. And rather than just push through the tough places on your own, realize the help is there when you ask.
And since fear is a spirit that you have authority over, tell fear you won’t have it in Jesus’ name!