Every day we meet people at the grocery store and post office and work. There are people around us who look just like we do but may not know Jesus personally. There are people we all know who are looking for purpose and direction from God. Jesus was actively looking for people who were lost.
“For the Son of man came to make search for those who are wandering from the way, and to be their Saviour.” Luke 19:10 BBE
Jesus is still searching for those who are wandering around on the earth. But He uses us to introduce people to Jesus. So if we’re to search for these hungry and wandering people, what do they look like?
Religious people
God sent Jesus to seek and save the lost. I was one of those lost people even while I attended church. But until a pastor told me there was more than religion I didn’t realize there was more to life. I looked like a believer but I had never asked Jesus to be my savior. I have discovered many religious people who have no assurance of their salvation. Sometimes these people believe Jesus is their savior but need someone to lead them into a prayer to confess Him as their Lord.
Prodigal sons who once followed Jesus
People sometimes have even heard about Jesus as a child but have gotten busy. Maybe life’s challenges have drawn them away. Maybe they have never heard about Him at all and wish somebody would share with them. Perhaps someone offended them or they blame God for some tragedy. These people are waiting for somebody to share some good news with them. They need to know God loves them and wants to help them. They need a listening friend or a compassionate heart. They need to know God forgives and wants them back in His family.
People who have never heard about Jesus
Today there are many who have never heard that Jesus is a real Savior who wants to have a relationship with them. They may look perfect on the outside but are empty inside. Or perhaps they may look a mess and be addicted to all kinds of things. These are people who just need love and someone to be a friend or and pray for privately. I once worked with a boss who was like this. I never discussed Jesus until one day she had a terrific migraine. Compassion rose in me and I asked her if I could pray for her. She consented and was amazed when the pain immediately left. It started her journey to know the real Jesus.
We are to be like Jesus who was seeking those who were lost and hurting to bring them to Father God. Will you consciously open your heart to those in your world this week to see opportunities to share Jesus in word or deed or prayer?