My Dad is in assisted living. When I recently took him to a doctor’s appointment, he was confronted with these 2 questions. “How do you like it there?” and “How’s the food?” It was…
I believe the definition of maturity could be “when your private life is the same as your public life”. What I mean by this is that our lives have a public side and private…
As long as there are people, there will be opportunities to be hurt and offended. God has given us great instruction on how to survive and thrive in spite of these wounds. Whenever we…
“Refuse to worry about tomorrow but deal with each challenge that comes your way one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:34 TPT Worry comes naturally. Living carefree comes…
Knowledge is information. Wisdom is knowing how to use that information correctly. Wisdom comes in a variety of ways. Much of our wisdom comes from observing people and discovering right and wrong ways to…
Giants come in all sizes. There are financial giants. There are sickness giants. There are relationship giants. There are self-esteem giants. We have a big God who loves impossible situations and we are His…
Prov 23:23 Get the truth and never sell it: also get wisdom, discipline and good judgment. We obtain truth from God’s Word and Spirit. It is timeless and never changes. But fads do change…
Today’s devotion is entitled “Opportunities often come disguised as problems”. However, most times we look at problems at roadblocks to our progress. Fear will block us from rising up the minute a problem arises…
Do you take the initiative to work hard even when there is nobody asking you to do so? Sometimes we become lazy and just don’t think the effort is worth the trouble. But I…
In today’s devotion we will discuss why it’s important to prepare to succeed. Many times our problems really affect us because we are not prepared for them. We become surprised because attacks come. But…