Like it or not we all influence people. Sometimes we positively influence people and other times we deflate people. Today let’s look at some ways to influence people positively. John Maxwell states “difficulties seldom…
The word “come” is used frequently in the New Testament. Disciples would encourage their friends to come and hear what Jesus had to say. They would encourage the sick to come and hear and…
Every day we have opportunities to impact people’s lives. In today’s devotion, we will look at identifying open doors that God gives us. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door…
Sometimes I take God’s goodness for granted. He is so merciful and loving and I’m used to it. But have you ever considered that the god of the universe (not our Father God) could…
I have not seen Jesus with my physical eyes. But I know He is real. I know what Jesus has revealed to me about the love of God. John had seen Jesus with his…
Today let’s look at the phrase “go the second mile”. This phrase was used in Palestine which was Roman occupied at the time. Roman soldiers could legally request a person to carry their backpack…