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  • Prayer

    Casting Your Cares

    What troubles you? Do you need a new guitar player because one quit? Not sure what set to use this week? This is so simple we frequently spend a lot of time working things…

    July 22, 2022
  • Prayer

    Ways God’s power can benefit you

    Imagine your house is wired for electricity but you don’t tap into that power with your appliances by plugging them in. You can complain that you don’t see anything happening because of the power.…

    July 13, 2022
  • Prayer

    Accessing God’s power to help (Ephesians 1:19)

    When you think of God’s power, what comes to mind? God’s power is demonstrated in creation. It’s most amazing display was in the resurrection of Jesus (and us). In Ephesians 1:19 it states  “And…

    July 11, 2022
  • Prayer

    God Bless America

    “God Bless America” is a favorite patriotic song. It’s author, Irving Berlin was a Russian Jew who immigrated to the U.S.  As a child., his mother would tell him  “God bless America” because she…

    July 4, 2022
  • Prayer

    You have a lavish supply

    We call a millionaire’s home lavish because no expense was spared in decorating. But really, God alone is lavish. He made a lavish creation of ocean water and everything in creation. He is lavish…

    June 29, 2022
  • Evangelism Prayer

    3 ways to help the dying

    People are going to die. People who you love are going to die. So how do you help them in this final journey?  The following passage of Scripture includes a job description of a…

    June 14, 2022