
Hi my name is Janice Fricke. I was raised a farm girl in Iowa and always have loved music and worship. I began learning to sing alto in a Methodist Church Choir, playing organ and piano in services. I graduated from Oral Roberts University where I studied church music and Christian Education.

I married my husband Lance and we attended Rhema Bible College those first years. We moved to Florida to associate pastor where my job was worship director. Our daughter was born there.

In 1987 We moved back to Iowa to plant a church and I continued to lead worship and teach private piano and voice. I have always been passionate about worship and also mentoring. Through the years I have had the privilege to mentor many church musicians and also lead worship teams. As a pastor’s wife my duties are many but I love the variety of all I get to do.

I hope these posts will bless you, inspire you and I can pass along some of the things I have learned in my journey.