How would you define peace? The absence of conflict? Quietness after a storm?
God’s Peace Defined
God’s peace is much more than the absence of noise and stress. The Hebrew word for peace is Shalom. In this passage the phrase “perfect peace” is translated “shalom shalom”. The word is rich in meaning. It is defined as well, happy, friendly, healthy, prosperous, favored, rested, safe, whole and peace. When you are at peace with God, you have been given peace in your spirit. It is deposited there.
Staying your mind
But life has a way of trying to snatch the peace from your mind. So the key to living in shalom shalom is our minds. Even though peace is a deposit in our spirits, our minds are where we have the problem. We must keep our mind stayed on Him. The word “stayed” means propped or leaning on or taking hold of or sustained by. I believe God’s Word is what keeps us stayed on Him. Replacing fearful thoughts with trusting faith-filled thoughts keeps our minds at rest. The best way to do this is to say it aloud. Trying to merely not think the wrong thing is futile. Replacing a fearful thought with a faith-filled thought is productive.
Peace confession
Father God, I know You love me. I know You care for me. I know You hear and answer my prayers. I trust all things will work for good to me for I am called according to Your purpose. Current events change but God You don’t. You will never leave or forsake me. I declare I am happy. I declare I am healthy physically. I declare I am financially prospering. I have the favor of God. I stay rested. I am safe from all terror and accidents. I am filled with your love, joy and peace. I trust You with ___(fill in the blank) . I believe everything is going to work out fine!
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