Every day we have opportunities to impact people’s lives. In today’s devotion, we will look at identifying open doors that God gives us.
And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Colossians 4:3-4 (NIV)
There are hungry and hurting people who need our love and witness. When we pray for open doors, we ask the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of people and give us an opportunity to share life with them. This is not an opportunity for pastors alone, but for all of us.
- People who don’t know God
These people need your love. They may need to hear your witness of what Jesus means to you personally. Sometimes you just be their friend and create a relationship of opportunity. When I pay attention to people, smile at them and listen to them I create an open door.
- People who are hurting physically or emotionally
These people are especially open to some help. When you hurt physically you want hope that things will get better. Emotionally hurting people are the most difficult because they are often bitter. Sometimes the Spirit will guide you to listen and pray with them. At times you will help guide them to forgive the offender.
- People who aren’t walking in fellowship with God closely
The people you contact today are people Jesus wants to interact with through you! You may not preach or even pray with them. You may encourage them or inspire them or just give them a hug. But there are times when you hit a real need and you are the one to help them. The love of a fellow believer can sometimes make a difference in opening their heart to God again.
Let’s pray!
Lord, I ask you go before me today and prepare hungry hearts. Help me take time to watch the people around me today. I ask You to help me to be sensitive to them and listen. I ask You to give me the right words to say. Help me say just enough and not overwhelm them. Give me boldness to share Jesus with those who are ready to hear. I trust You to make Yourself real to them today. In Jesus’ name Amen.